quarta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2010

What is Marketing Compost?

Marketing Compost is divided into four sections, identified by the Product, Price, Point of Sale / Distribution) and Promotion.

The Marketing Mix is divided into four P's, which are forms of influence on marketing channels and end consumers, which correspond to the four Cs of customer.

Product: Client: everything that relates to the product or service itself, such as formulating physical characteristics, production, quality, brand design, packaging, etc..

Price: Cost: pricing, discounts, and forms and payment schedules;

Point of Sale: Convenience tasks necessary to present the product or service to the consumer so he can buy it and consume it, distribution channels, coverage, varieties, locations, stock, transportation.

Promotion: communication: all communication tasks to promote the consumption of the product or service, sales promotion, advertising, sales force, public relations, direct marketing, etc..

The four factors of the marketing mix are interrelated, decisions in one area affect actions in another. To illustrate, the draft of a marketing mix is certainly affected by the fact that the company chooses to compete on price or on one or more factors.
When a company depends on the price as a primary competitive tool, other factors must be designed to support an aggressive pricing strategy. For example, the promotional campaign will likely be built around a theme of "low prices, low." In a competition outside the area of price, however, product strategies, distribution and / or promotion in coming forward. For example, the product must have characteristics that justify a higher price, and promotion should create a high quality image for the product.

Consumer behavior also includes the study of consumers as sources of influence in organizations. Instead of influencing consumers, effective organizations have adopted a marketing proposal in relation to the total product development, innovation, research and communication. Why look for methods that allow consumers to influence the organization in relation to products, pricing, promotion and operations of interest to consumers, organizations will more easily satisfy them, creating brand loyalty and increasing turnover. Enterprises in the XXI century-oriented marketing will focus more on allowing consumers to influence than in how they can influence consumers.

Process of setting a price for the product, including discounts and financing in view of the impact not only economic but also psychological rectification. The charge of that area should take care of the price list and pass the discounts to sellers by quantity purchased, and especially if the price will be competitive against the competition. For the customer "our" money is to offer the best relation between cost and benefit. Also known as the 4ps, the more it has nothing to do with what happens to the product itself.

Distribution - Point of Sale
It is concerned with the distribution and refers to the channels through which the product reaches the customer, including sales outlets, hours and days of care and different routes of purchase. Moreover, the charge of that area should know exactly what distribution channels will use, its size and geographic area that will be covered logistically. For "our" client your distribution should meet the needs and convenience of it. This variable includes the study of distribution channels.

There are many ways to distribute a product or service, but the main ones are direct distribution and indirect distribution. Direct distribution is when the producer sells the service or product directly to consumers. Clear examples are the famous "factory stores" and the actual service providers who run the service directly to consumers such as hairdressers and dentists. The distribution is indirect when the producer is used distributors to sell the product or service to consumers, that is the case of supermarkets, convenience and even their own bookstores.

Communication (promotion)
Includes advertising, public relations, media relations, word-of-mouth, personal selling, and refers to different methods of product promotion, brand or company. For your client to its promotion should be as enjoyable and present.
Marketers use these variables to establish a marketing plan. For the marketing plan to be successful, the strategy outlined for the four P's, should reflect the best value proposition for consumers of a clearly defined target market. The marketing management is the practical application of this process.

Marketing services also has other components in your marketing mix: People, Processes and Physical Support.
Strategies are needed to combine individual methods such as advertising, personal selling and sales promotion in a coordinated campaign. Furthermore, the promotional strategies should be adjusted when a product moves from the earliest stages of life to the end. Strategic decisions must also be taken with respect to each individual method of promotion.

The four factors of the marketing mix (also called marketing mix) are interrelated, decisions in one area affect actions in another. To illustrate, the draft of a marketing mix is certainly affected by the fact that the company chooses to compete on price or on one or more factors. When a company depends on the price as a primary competitive tool, other factors must be designed to support an aggressive pricing strategy. For example, the promotional campaign will likely be built around a theme of "low prices, low." In a competition outside the area of price, however, product strategies, distribution and / or promotion in coming forward. For instance, the product must have characteristics that justify a higher price, and promotion should create a high quality image for the product.

Each element in the marketing mix contains infinite alternatives. For example, a producer can do and put one or many products on the market, and they may be interrelated or not. Finally, the various alternatives, management should select a combination of factors that will satisfy the target markets and achieve the marketing and organization.

This step of the marketing strategy is crucial because it will be important considering the relative importance, which must be granted to each of the variables of marketing mix. The marketing manager must determine what the best combination, among the variables of marketing mix, considering the financial resources available and the need to obtain a comparative advantage over its competitors.

The main types of priorities, which may set a marketing strategy are:
- Choice of products;
- Choice of target market segments;
- Choice of targets;
- Choice of primary sources of volume;
- Balancing between means of Marketing.

Choose Engine Marketing Strategy Mix
Marketing mix based on product policy
- Technological innovation;
- Qualitative superiority;
- Specialization

Marketing Mix is based on a pricing policy according to the placement
- Choose a price premium
- Choice of aggressive price

Marketing Mix is based on a policy or FORCE DISTRIBUTION SALES
- Sales force more numerous or more qualified;
- Presence broader or more attractive at the point of sale;
- Strategy push.

Marketing Mix-based and TRADEMARK POLICY COMMUNICATION pull strategy; High investments in communications.


What is Market Segmentation?

What is Market Segmentation?

Segmenting the market is the result of dividing a market into smaller groups. This process is derived from the recognition that the market represents the total number of groups with distinct characteristics, which are called segments.

Depending on the similarities of consumers that make up each segment, they tend to respond similarly to a given marketing strategy. That is, they tend to have similar feelings and perceptions about an array of marketing, made for a particular product.

The process of segment comprises four steps:

1. Choice of targeting criteria

a. Criteria demographic, geographic, economic and social.

b.Critérios personality and lifestyle.

c. Performance criteria over the product (Segmentation depending on the status of consumers and their loyalty, targeting over the decision-Targeting the quantities purchased; segmentation according to their profitability, segmentation according to situations or events; Segmentation in function of the usage habits;

d. Criteria for psychological attitudes regarding the product;

e. Targeting multi-criteria

2. Description of the characteristics of each segmentation

3. Choose one or more segment:
- Size of the different segments
- Permeability of the segment to new competitors
- Resources Company

4. Definition of marketing policy for each selected segment
Segmented the market, the question arises whether all segments are advantageous for the company, so there you choose the most attractive - the ones that best fit the company and the product. Thus, should have the following characteristics:

Uniformity: the segment should have a set of characteristics that are common to all the elements that compose it. If the market segment is homogeneous, allow only a single form of action by the company before him.

Measurability: there must be statistics on the market segment (EX: use of market surveys)

Accessibility: the thread must be used in practical ways, choosing the channels of communication and distribution that allow reaching it the right way.

Substantiality: the segment should have such a dimension that provides a profitable operation. Note that it may be permissible to have a market segment with only a consumer, if he has special needs (eg aircraft industry, etc.).
Where segments the market is confronted with the need to evaluate the different segments identified. Are three major rating factors:

Size and growth of the segment: the segment size has to be according to firm size, so a large company can operate nationally and internationally, as an SME has to limit the size of its scale of values naturally that in terms of net results, both situations are likely to be highly rewarding. There can be segments which have a size too large and need to be, therefore, not considered; conversely, one segment may have a size too small to be worth working it and not be so considered interesting.

When a segment is growing the company must take this into consideration and see whether it has the capacity to respond to that growth. When a market is at the beginning of its life cycle, usually targeting is still fairly crude and just as the market evolves targeting will be more accurate.

Degree of attractiveness of segments: it is also necessary to analyze the degree of attractiveness of the segments identified. Examples:

Segments where there is keen competition may be of little interest, as would, indeed, a very large investment;
Segments where barriers to entry are relatively negligible, lose much of their interest since the short or medium term the firm will be faced with direct competition.

Market segments where there are plenty of substitutes are also less interesting, although they may have a reasonable size and growth. The segment of young people for leisure products segment is difficult, given that young people have many centers of interest, all of them function as substitutes of each other.

Another factor in the analysis concerns the bargaining power of customers, market segments where customers have weak negotiating directly are more attractive. Large companies, public agencies or large distribution centers are customers with high bargaining power and the work becomes necessary to have a structure capable of facing the bargaining power.

Finally, a point also take into consideration concerns of the bargaining power of suppliers and their reliability; to make the decision to serve a segment becomes necessary to evaluate the suppliers for such. For example, a supermarket decides to work the segment of the wine lovers and investing in a broadening in width and depth of its assortment. Will have to do that, to ensure their relationship with suppliers, so the stock does not present major disruptions or price changes.

Objectives and resources of the company: even if a segment is attractive because of its size, it is still necessary to evaluate the objectives and the resources the company possesses. It may happen that some segments have to be abandoned, not because they are intrinsically evil, but why not match the goals of the company. It can also happen that, while meeting the objectives, not in accordance with the resources and expertise of the company

What is the advantage of targeting?

Rationalize the means to achieve a given product segment by adjusting the prices / costs of distribution and communication in order to achieve equilibrium.

Allows a specialization of the company playing with the strategic variables - price, product, distribution and communication - avoiding waste.

The market is heterogeneous and therefore it is desirable to its target. Thus, the attitudes of these segments may be different.


The Business Management

The administration or business management requires the existence of an institution to be administered or managed, or group of persons that relate in any environment, whether physical or not, oriented towards a common goal which is the company.

Company, here meaning the venture, the efforts of organized human resources, made jointly with a specific purpose, which is the objective. The institutions (companies) can be public or private, or nonprofit.

The need to organize establishments born with the industrial revolution brought professionals from other older fields mature and to seek solutions to specific problems that did not exist before. So the research of special methods to manage these new developments gave rise to the rudiments of the science of administration.

One should not confuse the management of a house or our personal life that has its own art, but with the empirical management of an institution, consider this term here as a generic enterprise, enterprise.

Manage is the process of taking, developing and attaining actions using resources to achieve objectives. While it is important at every scale of investment of resources, the main reason for the study of management is its impact on organizational performance. It’s the way it is administered that makes organizations more or less capable of correctly using their resources to achieve the right goals.

Principles to be a good administrator:

- Know how to use principles, technical and administrative tools;
- Know how to decide and solve problems;
- Dealing with people, communicate effectively, negotiate, drive change, gain cooperation and resolve conflicts.
- Have a vision of systemic and overall organizational structure;
- Be proactive, bold and creative;
- Being a good leader;
- Manage with responsibility and professionalism.
- Have a vision for the future
